API Overview

The Internal API is a RESTful and stateless API. It has predictable, resource-oriented URLs and accepts POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE requests. Our API uses standard HTTP response codes and returns JSON-encapsulated data.

API Version

The current stable version of the Internal API is v1


There are two environments for working with our API: Sandbox for testing and Production for live integrations.

App Registration

To use our API, you should have either a subscriber account with the Super Admin role or provider account with admin rights. You also need to register your application.

Authentication and Authorization

We use token authentication, yet secure and effective authentication and authorization

You must include the Authorization header in every API request. Unauthorized calls will fail.

Requests and Responses

Making requests are easy: our API accepts the most common HTTP verbs and has well-structured endpoint routes.

After a successful request, you will receive a JSON-formatted response as well as a standard HTTP status code.

Call Limits

There are no limits to how many calls you can make in a minute.

Sandbox Mode

We strongly recommend you to start in Sandbox Mode and move to the Production Environment only when your application is fully tested and ready to go live.