Getting Started

Facility Source (FS) API has a host of different features, but the cornerstone of our platform is a work order.

About a Work Order

Think of a work order (WO) as a task issue. A WO details what happened and what should be done; it has a due date, assignee, and much more.

When subscribers need services like AC repair, plumbing etc, they create WO's that are assigned to certain providers. These providers solve the problem and “close” the WO.

Parameter Details

1. Request Parameter

To Get a WO, you need to pass some required information about the problem that occurred. In real life, you collect all these values using our API, but for a quick start we are providing you with the ready data.

Parameter Value
WorkorderId integer

2. Response Parameters

Parameter Value
Id integer
WorkOrderNumber string
Type string
WorkType string
Status string
StatusCode string
Description string
Priority string
DateReported date
DateModified date
TargetDate date
ScheduledStartDateTime date
ScheduledCompleteDateTime date
ActualStartDateTime date
ActualCompleteDateTime date
LatestInteractiveVoiceResponseIn date
LatestInteractiveVoiceResponseOut date
GLCode string
RequestingContact string
AlternateContact string
RequestTypeId integer
RequestType string
DepartmentId integer
Department string
TradeId integer
RequestCodeId integer
RequestCode string
ServiceLocationName string
DNE decimal number
WorkTypeGLCode string
RequestGLCode string
DispatchMatrixGLCode string
AlternateWorkOrderNumber string
IsETAMissed boolean
MissedETAMessage string
IsEmergency boolean
IsVendorOnSite boolean
HasAttachments boolean
TargetCompleteDate date
IsSnow boolean
ProjectNumber string
ProjectOther string
CurrencyCode string